This Blog’s Bloggers



I’m Shin, a veteran of 27+ years in education, as a middle/high school teacher, counselor and sometimes principal. I also did a year+ at a junior college, as a counselor/adviser, and instructor.  I’ve spent most of my adult life teaching, guiding and helping others move forward in life.  Although I’m retired, I’m not ready to quit doing that, so . . . . ..

I’m happily married and just celebrated my 35th anniversary on May 17, 2016.  My wife is an angel.  She’s put up with a lot from me over the years, and has not killed me in my sleep, . . . . . yet.  😀

I’ve dealt with  a motorcycle wreck (2006) that ruined my right ankle, a HORRIBLE last year in public education (2010), resulting in some health issues, and some alcohol abuse.  I’m a heart patient, since 1998.

The alcohol issue is better, MUCH better, and I’m not the monster I was.  I retired, for the second time, in 2014, after having bypass surgery.  I’ve been fortunate in that I worked in education, where I was mandated to invest into a retirement system, plus my wife and I have been investing since the mid-’90’s, so we’re both retired, her from retail and me from education.

Although my wife is content just being retired, I’m not.  I have this brain that requires feeding and a desire to do stuff.  Yeah, sometimes I can’t sleep at night.  So, I decided to start a blog, with resource pages.

In addition, I do a little photography,  woodworking and take care of things on our 408 acre, private wildlife reserve, in South Central Texas.  I LOVE food and cooking, which one can tell when the see me.  🙂

I’m into classic cars and motorcycles, with a few too many projects in the shops.  I used to fly, but health issues don’t allow it anymore. In fact, I built a wood and fabric VW engine powered homebuilt airplane in the late ’90’s, flying it until 2009.  My flight time included a trip from the DFW, Texas, area to Oshkosh, WI.  What an adventure!

Oh yeah, I have two kids of my own, two kids-in-law, and hundreds of kids from my years in education.

Well, enough about me.  I hope you’ll enjoy my posts and might even offer up some comments.

Until next time, Peace!

Keith “Shin” Schindler


My name is Sherrie. I’m a 40 something southern woman that has an amazing “resting bitch face” and not afraid to tell ya like it is. That being said, I have a big heart.  I’ve been told I’m a good crazy…lol.

I have been happily married for 22 years and have 2 beautiful daughters. I still live in my hometown and although it has grown in leaps and bounds, I still love it.  It allows me to be close to my family. There is something to be said about only being 10 minutes from your Mom.  My Dad passed away in 2006 and even though we miss him, life is pretty good.
I am an avid reader of “trash novels” (My husband calls them porn with no pictures…lol).  I also love fishing and going to the movies. I work in the veterinary field, so you know I live in a zoo!
My husband, Roger, is my absolute favorite person and my best friend. We were pretty young when we got married, but helped each other grow into the people we are today. It has not always been rainbows and unicorns, be we have always been a solid team.
Although my life probably sounds pretty boring to most, I’m as happy as a pig in slop!  I hope that some of the things I share will help you see the light at the end of the tunnel, or at least give you some clarity and motivation to keep going.
You don’t have to be perfect, just happy!