I’m Shin, a veteran of 27+ years in education, as a middle/high school teacher, counselor and sometimes principal. I also did a year+ at a junior college, as a counselor/adviser, and instructor. I’ve spent most of my adult life teaching, guiding and helping others move forward in life. Although I’m retired, I’m not ready to quit doing that, so . . . . ..
I’m happily married and just celebrated my 35th anniversary on May 17, 2016. My wife is an angel. She’s put up with a lot from me over the years, and has not killed me in my sleep, . . . . . yet. 😀
I’ve dealt with a motorcycle wreck (2006) that ruined my right ankle, a HORRIBLE last year in public education (2010), resulting in some health issues, and some alcohol abuse. I’m a heart patient, since 1998.
The alcohol issue is better, MUCH better, and I’m not the monster I was. I retired, for the second time, in 2014, after having bypass surgery. I’ve been fortunate in that I worked in education, where I was mandated to invest into a retirement system, plus my wife and I have been investing since the mid-’90’s, so we’re both retired, her from retail and me from education.
Although my wife is content just being retired, I’m not. I have this brain that requires feeding and a desire to do stuff. Yeah, sometimes I can’t sleep at night. So, I decided to start a blog, with resource pages.
In addition, I do a little photography, woodworking and take care of things on our 408 acre, private wildlife reserve, in South Central Texas. I LOVE food and cooking, which one can tell when the see me. 🙂
I’m into classic cars and motorcycles, with a few too many projects in the shops. I used to fly, but health issues don’t allow it anymore. In fact, I built a wood and fabric VW engine powered homebuilt airplane in the late ’90’s, flying it until 2009. My flight time included a trip from the DFW, Texas, area to Oshkosh, WI. What an adventure!
Oh yeah, I have two kids of my own, two kids-in-law, and hundreds of kids from my years in education.
Well, enough about me. I hope you’ll enjoy my posts and might even offer up some comments.
Until next time, Peace!
Keith “Shin” Schindler
My name is Sherrie. I’m a 40 something southern woman that has an amazing “resting bitch face” and not afraid to tell ya like it is. That being said, I have a big heart. I’ve been told I’m a good crazy…lol.