From My Fren (Ahndria Ablett): 09.18.15

Good morning Facebook friends and family! We did it! It’s Friday. For those of you who work weekends, I certainly hope you’re really close to your weekend. The beginning of another day, a chance to try again.

I want to encourage you to step out and begin to mold your dream into a reality. If you have a creative spark, but others have convinced you that you can’t, I want you to know that you can. I never wrote for anyone, until Wendy encouraged me otherwise. Even when I was almost done writing, some people scoffed at it. I haven’t stopped, and now I have accomplished something that many have not, and I did it because I believed my own words, not the words of others. Believe in yourself, I believe in you.

If you’re in Ada today, stop by the Ada Mini Mall on Broadway and come to Ragsdale’s Conversation Emporium to have a look around. We’re having a clearance sale. I’ll be there from 10 to 11:30 and from 3-6.

I hope you have a great day. I want you to know that you are loved and you have purpose. Good morning. You’re beautiful. I love you. Have a spectacular Friday!
