This morning I listened to a great Pod Cast by Michael Hyatt, WHY IT’S TIME FOR YOU TO STOP TRYING, and it was great. Michael brought up the concept that trying allows for Honorable Failure. Problem is, Honorable Failure should not be the goal, accomplishment should be the goal.
Now, some things can’t just be done, like winning a football game, or a baseball game, etc., as there are too many variables. One’s goal setting is different. As Michael mentioned in the the Pod Cast, one can either get something done, or not get something done.
This web site is such a case. I decided that I was going to set up and I did. There was no trying. Now the site is not perfect and I’m not overly pleased with the looks, but it’s up. I thought about it, and I set it up. It was a SMART goal; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.
- Specific – Set up the website for Towards Your Better Life
- Measurable – The established web site shows this has been achieved
- Achievable – It was something that I could accomplish alone
- Relevant – This project fits my desire to continue teaching, supporting and guiding others
- Time-Bound – Once this goal was determined, I decided to do it in one day, and did
This phase of my overall plan is now in place. It’s not a concrete piece of work, but one that will be in flux, for as long as I am trying to help others. Like picking up a chair, you either do it, or you don’t. If you can’t pick up a certain chair, then that goal is not achievable, and has to be re-thought.
If all you can do is try, then the goal might not be right.
Next thing that I’m going to get done? Get a subscription button up and running.
So, how about you? What are you going to get done?