I am a Mistake

I recently saw a Facebook friend’s post, “I am a Mistake.”  This is what I came up with, finishing the statement:


“I’m a mistake, because there is no perfection in nature.

Even, with that, I am the best that I am; maybe not the best that I’ve been, because the past doesn’t matter; maybe not the best that I’ll ever be, because the future, doesn’t matter.

What matters is the present, the “Gift” of the here and now.

The very fact that I am here, means that I am something of worth, although not perfect.

I’m a mistake, but I’m me.”



Humans have a hard time validating themselves, at least the “healthy ones.”  The not so healthy validate themselves in so many not so good ways.  But for us “healthy ones,” we find it hard to accept ourselves for who we are, and for our good.  Yes, our good.  We all have it.  We all have good.

Shame though, many times, it’s only others that see it.  I’ve worked with many a person over the years, that put themselves down, not acknowledging the value that they have; not acknowledging the value that they bring to others.  Many focus on their failures, I know I have, forgetting about the good that they have provided in others’ lives.

I have to keep reminding myself, of the good that I have done.  In doing so, I look at my wife and kids, all well taken care of over the years (Even when I was teaching,) and successful in their own ways.  I’ve done good.  I have to look back upon my career, and acknowledge my teachings and counseling over the years, knowing that I’ve done a good job, in helping others.  Has it been perfect?  No, because I’m a mistake.  I was not made perfect, as have all my brethren.

That doesn’t mean we’re not valuable, though.

How come you won’t validate yourself?  How come you can’t find value in your existence?