From My Fren: Again :-)

Once again, I stole another post by my Fren Ahndria.

This morning I woke up late, drove girls to school, got stuck in small town traffic, found out dad is in the hospital, thought Becca had a dentists appointment, took her to the dentist, found out it is tomorrow, take her back to school, come home to find that I ran over a kitten in my driveway, buried said kitten, and now I’m getting ready to go to class…

It’s a lot and most would say it’s the beginning of a bad day. Me, I see that things like this try to make you down and upset about the hand you’re dealt. But if you look really close and read between the lines, you’ll see that it’s happening because it’s trying to divert me from the path I’m on, to bring self doubt.

I made great progress last night on the new story, and I plan to spend some time on it tonight. If I let today get me down, I wouldn’t be in the mindset to continue writing. And how can I reach the stars if I just sit down and cry?

Don’t get me wrong, I am worried about my dad and I’m heartbroken that the kitten lost its life at my hands by accident, I’m not heartless. I just believe that everything is going to be okay and that everything is in control by One who can handle it better than I.

Have a great day everyone, and if your day hasn’t started out so great, ponder on what your “bad day” is trying to hold you back from.

Love y’all!”