So, this post is not new, it’s several weeks old, but, somehow, it was latched on by all kinds of spammers. Don’t know why this post, but it had 80+ comments, all junk attached. Shame, it was really dear to my heart. So, here it is, again.
I always wanted kids; a son and a daughter, in that order. I’m the younger brother to a sister, and always wished I was the oldest. Any way. . . .
I knew that I was going to get married and have kids. I really wanted a boy and a girl, and I’ve been blessed to have both. The boy came along in a funny matter.
My son was born, two weeks before I graduated high school, and I didn’t even know it. Are the eyebrows raising? Let me explain, I hadn’t even met his mom yet. 😀
I graduated high school and bounced through three colleges, before I ended up at UNT, in Denton. I transferred to a convenience store, right next to a pizza joint; Chanello’s, which is the same chain I delivered for in College Station. Small world.
Back to the story. There was this really cute little blonde, that worked there, and she’d come over and buy a Coke and a candy bar. She was about 4′ 8” and wore a cap and button down white shirt, the uniform. She would never look me in the eye.
Well, that had my attention. Long story short, I convinced her to date me, convinced her to marry me, and I took her and her son in. “Dad” wasn’t in the picture. She didn’t want him to be, which was alright by me. Word got back to me, that “Dad” wanted her to drop the back child support, and was willing to sign “The Boy” over to me. HELL YEAH!!!!
He did just that, I adopted my son in less time that is usually allowed, and he’s been mine ever since.
He’s the older brother to our daughter. They know that they’re only half blood, but you wouldn’t know it. When the daughter went through a tough divorce, Big Bro was right there. Which was good, as we’d moved 300+ miles away.
My son, is the the greatest gift an Asshole ever gave me.