Howdy Everybody!
Been a while since I’ve posted, but I’ve been staying busy with other interests. I’m doing some web work for the Texas Bluebird Society, setting up the 2016 Season Kickoff web pages, as well as handling the Silent Auction. I’ve also been doing some writing, outside of this blog.
A few months back, I submitted an article, and photographs, to the Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club. The article, about the Harvest Classic European and Classic Motorcycle Rally, was published. The Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club is international, so my article will be seen around the world. Pretty cool, I think! You can see some of the photos in my Harvest Classic Facebook Album.
I’ve also submitted a blog post, for a textile company, through Blog Mutt, and it’s made it through the first review, with only a few revisions. If this post gets published, it will be my first writing gig, since I self-published Volksplane News in the ’90’s. It’s interesting, writing through Blog Mutt, as I’m learning a bunch. Hopefully I can move into more writing gigs.
In addition to this blog site, I also do one for The SnK Wildlife Reserve, which is our (Wife Selena and I) family land that we’ve gone from agriculture to wildlife management. The SnK is a bit easier to write about, as I don’t have to put much thought into it. It’s much easier to write about the goings on, than researching topics, and such. It’s a nice relaxing release; plus, my wife is involved in the SnK, where she’s not with this blog, or my other writings. With her involved, I get another’s view on things.

The SnK has a Facebook page, too, which Selena is more active with. She shares a bunch of good info there. I submit posts, ever so often, but she’s really the force behind it.
Right now, when the weather, and the chain saw work, we’re clearing brush. The front 40 acres of the place was converted to a hay field, years ago, and we’re working with a wildlife biologist in applying for a Grassland Restoration Incentive Program grant, so as to convert the hay field back to Texas native grasses. The grant will help off set our costs, and will be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, the fuel lines in the chain saw degraded enough, that I have to locate, and install, new ones. That’s okay, I don’t want to be cutting brush in today’s winds. 🙂
Along with The SnK’s Facebook page, I also have a couple of others that I play with. Vehicular Addiction is all about vehicles, primarily classics and rods, although motorcycles and other interesting vehicles have a place in my heart. Saturday, February 6, I took the ’65 Impala Super Sport (Mom and Dad’s first new car) to Hot Rods and Hatters in Lockhart, Texas. I had a blast!

The picture, to the right, doesn’t do the show justice, as it was HUGE! This is just a small handful of the attending vehicles, and folks who enjoyed the day. Great fun, great friends, and great music, with not bad temps for February, in South Central Texas.
A ton more photos can be seen in the Facebook folder, 2016 Hot Rods and Hatters. In addition to great rides, and such, there’s usually a number of Pin Ups at these types of events. I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know these ladies, and it’s great to see how they build each other up. That’s another story for another time.
As you might tell, I’m also into photography, and have a Facebook page, Picture This, where I show case some of my work. I’m not great at it, but I enjoy it, and like sharing my photos. I took the photo, to the left, at a car show a few years back, with a focus on part of the truck and the reflections in the paint job. Looking closely you will see not only the clouds, but also spectators.
So, what are these ramblings all about? Just sharing my adventures in doing things out of the ordinary. I’m hoping that I might supplement my income with freelance work. It would sure beat having to be at a job somewhere.
I’d be interested in hearing what others are doing to make some money, and to grow intellectually.
So, how about you? What are you doing for extra income and personal growth?
Until next time, Peace!!