Morning, Everybody!
(*** Although this post is noted as authored by Sherrie Davis Hawk, it’s actually written by me, Keith Schindler. I’ve got to figure out how to correct it.)
(Okay, first things first. I have to say that I’m going to share some serious stuff today, some that I’m not proud of and some that’s kind of icky, so if you don’t want to delve into such, now’s the time to quit reading.)
Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve posted here. In fact, the last post was by Sherrie Davis Hawk, on May 16, 2018, just 2 days before my Motor Trike wreck, which snowballed into a VERY different life for me.
I’m gonna be honest, there’s been many a time I’ve thought of shutting this site down. I started it with a purpose in mind, but I diverted from that purpose and focused on other avenues. Well, today I think I’ve found the actual purpose for starting this site, letting it sit, and not erasing it.
So, what’s been going on since May 16, 2018?
Well, May 18, 2018 I had a Motor Trike wreck, with a former college sweet heart (C.T.) on the back. We hadn’t seen each other in 37 years and met up for lunch and a ride, before some of our family members met at a tattoo convention the following day.
No, things did not go as planned.
The two days before meeting up, I had had some gastric bleeding. Actually, not just some. It was pretty bad. I really shouldn’t have been on the trike on May 18, but I had a friend’s retirement party to attend, AND I was going to get with C.T.
Yeah, I’m not the brightest crayon in the box.
Morning of the 18th, I headed on up, enjoying feeling better and the ride. I met up with C.T. and we had a great lunch then headed off on a trike ride. C.T. never rode with me when we dated in college, so I told her to wear riding clothes.
She did. We had lunch. We got on the bike and . . .
Traffic. Heat. Frustration. My health. I ended up blacking out on the bike and rear ending a car, sending C.T. and myself flying.
Luckily, we were not seriously hurt, but the event triggered a chain reaction that has lead me to pecking away at the keyboard this morning.
I’m gonna fast forward by giving Y’all the Cliff Notes of the past few years.
The wreck really shook up mine and C.T.’s families and lives. In doing so, we both realized that we were not happy in our marriages and, as I write this, we are living together, after getting back together in June of 2018.
That’s not the key point of my rambling, just some FYI.
Here’s where I get serious, and the real purpose of this post. I’ve been a drinker since I could walk. Since 2006, and especially 2010, I became a heavy drinker.
Shortly after the wreck, C.T. said we couldn’t be in touch any longer. My marriage was finally blowing apart, after years of discord. I didn’t go back home, but instead lived in hotels and a friend’s place.
A bit later, I had a wreck in a rental truck, and because of alcohol and pain meds, I was arrested for DUI. Luckily I didn’t kill anybody, just tore up some vehicles and caused minor injuries to another driver.
That DUI turned out to be the first of two. You’d think I’d learned after the first, but no. Like I said, I’m not the brightest crayon in the box.
So, as I type this morning, I’m on probation with Denton County, having completed probation for the second DUI, I received in Florida.
So, where am I going with this? Well, one of my lawyers said I should attend AA, Alcoholics’ Anonymous, which I did. In doing so, I met a guy I’ll call M.S.
M.S. and I have become friends, bantering back and forth. Although I’ve gotten myself on the Right Road to recovery, M.S. has hit a number of potholes and taken detours, back tracking to his starting point.
Well, M.S. and his Sweet Heart, M.G., are coming over tomorrow to have lunch with myself and C.T. I want to support the guy best I can, so I’m going to toss something out to him.
I’m going to introduce him and M.G. to Towards Your Better Life, offering them it as an avenue to vent, share, etc. in hopes that it might be a tool to help M.S. in his recovery.
We’ll see.
I think I haven’t folded Towards Your Better Life for a reason. Keep it going an use it to help myself and others. I think I’ve got direction.
Well, stay tuned to see what happens.
Until next time, Peace!