Happy New Year’s Resolutions!!!

New Years

Today is day two of ’16.  Sorry I missed wishing everybody a Happy New Year, but I was busy hanging with the family.  We’re celebrating our Christmas, and New Year, this weekend.  It’s been a great start, too.

Spent quality time in the shop, re-teaching my son how to set dwell and timing on his ’65 Chrysler 300.  ChryslerThe Chrysler is, recently, back on the road, after 10 years of hibernation.  🙂   Joe and his wife, Becca, have been taking it out for little “spins,” and Joe wanted it running better, so new points, plugs, etc.  We dialed everything in yesterday, then took it out for a drive.  Running nice.  Ah, simple pleasures of life.

Today is Christmas for the family.  We don’t Celebrate it on the actual days, as the kids have in-laws, so we leave Eve and Day, open for them to get with the other families.  We learned, the first year, that it’s hard to juggle between so many families.  We’re content to celebrate before or after.  Nice and relaxing.  We’ve learned how to make life a bit easier.

So, back to New Years.  How about resolutions?  I normally don’t make ’em, as I usually break ’em in the first month, or so, but this year, I HAVE to.

  • GET BACK TO HEALTHY – I’m a heart patient, having had a double Bypass in 2014.  Went to the doctor and found my Cholesterol up over 300.  NOT GOOD.   I’ve gained a “Few” pounds, too, so those are gonna come back off.  We, wife Selena and I, have been walking 2 miles almost every day.  Gonna keep that up.
  • BE MORE PRODUCTIVE – I have a number of projects in the works, and idle, but I’ve learned how to waste time over the years.  Thing is, my years are dwindling.  I’m on the back side of 50, so I’ve got to get busy and finish some things.
  • WORRY LESS – I’ve been a worrier for as far back as I can remember.  I’ve got to work on thinking less about what I can’t control, and more on what I can.
  • FIX THIS WEB SITE – I’m not happy with Towards Your Better Life.  I don’t like the look, and I haven’t found my “Voice” in my writing.  First I’m going to find a better look.  Then “ramp up” the content.
  • WRITE THE BOOK – I’ve been talking about writing a book, for a few years now.  I need to collect the pieces, pulling in from the contributors, and putting it on paper; not necessarily publishing it this year, but at least getting the draft done.

So, there’s 5.  I’ve read many times that 5 is a good number.  Any more and it’s hard to remember/focus, etc.  Of course, there’s other things I’ll focus on, but at the end of 2016, I hope to look back at this post, and this list, and be content that I accomplished those 5 things.  Everything else will be icing in the cake.

So, Happy New Year!!  Happy New Year’s Resolutions!!  What’s in your list?